Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Career Voyage Web Access edition

Career Voyage can be accessed via any PC with an internet connection.

This saves time on installation and any requirement for IT assistance.

All you do is enter
and then enter your username and password. It is that simple.

Contact us on 08 9440 5333 for a trial of Web Access and convert today.


JIIG-CAL would like to advise you that we are working towards reducing our carbon footprint.

In 2010, we will have all of our software downloads on the internet together with the manuals and job files.

We will look to send out new registration keys through email rather than mail so please ensure that we have your email address.

We would like to hear your opinion on this.



Accreditation Training

We want to ensure that your clients/students receive the best outcome possible when utilising Career Voyage for career guidance. We would like to encourage you to get accredited so you are able to get the most out of Career Voyage.

Visit to find out more details.